Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wed 11/20 - More Layer Masking

Let's play a bit more with layer masking so that we're comfortable.

One Technique, Two Images Due TODAY: 
-1 using an image from the web
-1 using your own image and experimenting with the technique

Layer Masking with Text

1.) Create a new document at 'Instagram' Size (1080x1080px, 72ppi)

2.) Bring in a high-res photo. (One of your own photos.)

3.) On another layer, type out any text. (Large, bold fonts works best. Try to maximize the area. Ensure text is ALIGNED for professionalism.)

4.) Once your text is set, Hide your text layer.

5.) Command+Click on your text layer's thumbnail to make the selection.

6.) With selection made, create a layer mask on your photo layer.

7.) Transform (Cmd+T) any layers to fill your document.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Mon 11/18 - Figure-Ground Posters in Photoshop

1. High-Res Portrait & Background Texture
2. 11x17” @ 300ppi in Photoshop
4. Gradient Map above background, below photo
5. Find brushes (
6. Layer below portrait
7. Layer above portrait
8. Text? Same color as background

Friday, November 1, 2019

Mon 11/4 - Motion Design Week!

Hey all! Sorry I'm not here today!

To start your motion design project...
1.) Pick Infographic or Bumper
2a.) If INFOGRAPHIC, begin building text and vectors in an illustrator file you want to animate.
2b.) If BUMPER, break your logo apart into different pieces to animate on their own.

Here's a list of tutorials to get started!

Shine Logo Animation in After Effects
3 Different Logo Animations
4 Techniques for Illustrator to After Effects

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mon 10/28 - Style Sheets

As we move to finalize our logos and brands, we need to plan out our style sheets:
  • 11x17"
  • Include Logo(s), colors, fonts, mockups, and any additional brand elements
  • Be styled appropriately for the brand's aesthetic
  • Include more than white/one color!! Gradients? Images?
Check out some examples via this Pinterest Board.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wed 10/23 - Logo Variations

Wednesday you have three pages due! One of variations of your name, one of your initials, and one with icons/imagery.

Choosing typefaces:

Iterations on symbols/iconography:

Name vs. Initials:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mon 10/21 - Shoe Poster Reflect & Next Topic...

1.) When finished with your 18x24 design, upload as a .pdf to your folder and complete this reflection in a separate Google Doc.

2.) Let's talk about Logos & Branding.

3.) Make a pinterest board for Logos & Branding. Search and pin at least 10 different logos/brands/ideas that you like! Check out mine for a starting point...